

[For system developers] Data Usage Guide Ver2.4(Correct20220606) (English version) has been posted on the System developers’ page.

*This content is for system vendors who handle chemSHERPA data.

Data Usage Guide Ver2.4 has been partially revised as an updated version on June 6, 2022.
Correspondence to the following notice posting is reflected.

About change to using one-byte alphanumeric characters for Product name, Level names/ Component names in chemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles(Partially revised_2)

The revised contents of chemSHERPA integrated version Ver.2.05.00 to Ver.2.09.00 are described.
The following 5 files are included. 2 of them are updated. Please check the revision history for the details of the revision.
[Bundled files]
①chemSHERPA_DataUsageGuideForSystemDevelopers_Ver2.3(Correct220606)_EN.pdf (updated) ②chemSHERPA_DataUsageGuideForSystemDevelopers_Ver2.3(Correct220606)_Appendix(Item_definition)_EN.xlsx (updated) ③chemSHERPA_DataUsageGuideForSystemDevelopers_Ver2.2_Appendix (Integration) _EN.pdf (no change from last time) ④Instructions_for_external_list_Ver2.3_EN.xlsx (no change from last time)
⑤chemSHERPA Guideline for SCIP_V1.2_EN.pdf (no change from last time)

Please check the System developers’ page below.
“System developers’ page”
  Date of publication 2022-06-07

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