

Notification about conversion from JGPSSI data by chemSHERPA-AI data entry support tool for articles

Regarding the chemSHERPA-AI data entry support tool for articles Ver.1.05.00a which was released on April 17, we would like to notify you the result of conversion from JGPSSI data as follows. So, we would like to ask you to handle this issue as we have outlined here. We sincerely express our apologies regarding this issue.


This issue occurs only during the conversion process from JGPSSI data with particular intended use classification, otherwise it’ll have no influences at all.


[The result of conversion form JGPSSI data]
While converting from JGPSSI data by chemSHERPA-AI data entry support tool for articles, following information of intended use classification on JGPSSI data see below, aren’t converted and so become blank cells.


Corresponding JGPSSI intended use classification:


[Handling procedure]
When you have converted JGPSSI data with corresponding intended use classification, please input the information manually if necessary. This issue will be corrected in next version of tool(Ver.1.06.00). It‘ll be released in August, 2018.

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