

“Bug of SCIP Related Data” of chemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles

Regarding the SCIP-related data of chemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles Ver2.02, the following bug have been found.
We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused.

[Classification] Precautions pertaining to usage
[Subject] ChemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles
[Version] Ver.2.02.00
There is a bug in SCIP registration code of “Production in European Union” of “SCIP Info” of chemSHERPA data entry support tool for articles.
[Bug Details]
The content of this bug is posted as “chemSHERPA_Technical_Report_Tool_No.2(en)” in the following link.
         chemSHERPA_Case examples
Please download the relevant file and check it.

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